
Installing Double Glazing Videos

Tips for a good double glazing installation.

Installing Double Glazing Videos Released.

How important is the quality of the double glazing installation for your home? It’s incredibly important.

When you’re installing double glazing, you’re making a serious financial investment, to achieve a whole host of positive outcomes.

Hopefully, you’ve spent a lot of time researching your needs and your priorities, and have selected window designs that will work for you.

Hopefully, you’ve carefully chosen a good company to deal with, chosen quality products, and got a fair price for the double glazed windows and doors you’re buying.

So, all that guarantees a happy ending, doesn’t it? Well, no. There’s one more, vital step. Installation.

Installing double glazing  needs to be done very well. or the benefits you’ve paid for are diminished. The extremes of temperature still creep in- the cold air still comes in, and the warm air still leaks out. The annoying exterior noise still gets through. The heating and cooling bills don’t drop as much as they should. Australian Standards may not be met. It’s for these reasons that the Australian Windows Association produce a number of publications on Installing Double Glazing. Now, they’ve gone nine steps further, and produced a series of videos on installing double glazed windows and doors, in a variety of construction types. Members of the double glazing industry should watch them, to better serve their customers. Customers who want to be aware of the standards their installers should be following, should watch them, too.

To watch the nine ‘installing double glazing’ videos, click here.

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