Double Glazing Installation Info For Double Glazed Windows & Doors
Correct double glazing Installation is vital.
Selecting quality products, and ensuring that their design addresses your needs for temperature or noise control is very important, but it’s all for naught unless they are installed correctly.
The Australian Windows Association (AWA) helps set the standards for professional installation of double glazed windows and doors in Australia.
Their publications include their Double Glazing Installation Guide, and AWA Double Glazing Fixing Guide.
Now, they have released a series of videos, covering the installation of a number of different styles of double glazed windows and doors, into a number of different construction styles. You can watch them all below.
1. How To Instal Aluminium French Doors Into Brick Veneer Construction
2. How To Instal Sliding Aluminium Doors Into Brick Veneer Construction
3. How To Instal An Aluminium Sliding Door Into Clad/Lightweight Construction
4. How to Instal an Aluminium Sliding Window into Brick Veneer Construction
5. How To Instal An Aluminium Sliding Window Into A Clad/Lightweight Construction
6. How To Instal An Aluminium Sliding Window Into Double Brick Construction
7. How to Instal a Commercial Grade Aluminium Sliding Window into a Prepared Opening
8. Clad/Lightweight Construction Installation
9. How to Instal a Timber Awning Window into Brick Veneer Construction
Don’t forget to check the Australian Windows Association’s publications including their Double Glazing Installation Guide, and AWA Double Glazing Fixing Guide, for authoritative double glazing installation information.